Extend the life of your broken eyeglass frames with laser welding by Expertec.
Laser welding results in stronger and more accurate bridgework. It is cleaner, faster and stronger than conventional soldering techniques. Welding is more compatible in the oral environment. Renew/refurbish your patients comfortable old partial; add clasps and saddle areas, replace extracted teeth. Make old partials look like new and save chair time!
Expertec is a solder-free laboratory.
- Implant and precision attachments.
- Laser welding right on the master model ensures precise fit. Seam weld parts without the use of solder.
- Repair / reassemble heat sensitive parts without the risk of warping.
- Repair without disturbing acrylics, ceramics or porcelain materials.
- Partial denture reconstructions.
- Fabrication and repair of dental prosthetics.