With each case you will receive a detailed invoice. A monthly statement will be mailed to you that summarizes all invoices:
- If your last name or practice name begins with A through M, your statement will include cases invoiced from the 16th of the month through the 15th of the next month.
- If your last name or practice name begins with N through Z, your statement will include cases invoices from the 1st day of the month through the last day of the month.
Expertec offers many options to settle your account balance. We accept checks, Visa, MasterCard and American Express. In addition, some of our clients enjoy the convenience of having their account balance charged to their credit card automatically each month. One less check to write, one less phone call to make and you earn air miles sooner.
If you are interested in an auto-payment arrangement, please call Richard or Lisa Dewar to get you set up today.