Custom Shade Consultation

Easyshade and ShadeVision™ gives today’s cosmetic minded patients a greater level of confidence in their restorations.

pic_shade_pic3Shading or color match is about a thirty to forty minute process of determining the colors and blending of your teeth. Each measurement contains detailed, precise and objective information. It is an important step in the process of fabricating your restorations. Please notify us if you are currently bleaching or planning to bleach your teeth. Shade Consultations are by appointment here at the laboratory.
Please call Tracy at 734-641-9999.

Appointment hours are between 9:00 am and 3:30 pm*. Occasionally, you may need to make a follow up appointment for a Custom Chair Side Coloring. (This is when the final restoration is completed and needs a more complex custom shading.) This appointment takes 20 to 30 minutes. If you have previously been at the laboratory for a Shade Consultation there is no extra fee for the Custom Chair Side Coloring.* It may be possible to arrange a special appointment at a different time.

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